3 Questions To Ask Before You Pay For Advertising

Advertising is just one part of a productive marketing strategy. Handled well, it’s a powerful tool. Handled poorly, it will drain your budget and earn you little. To make the most of your advertising spend and achieve the best marketing results, ask your team the following questions before making a purchase.

Who will it reach? 

Marketing is only valuable if it reaches and impresses your desired audience. A business operating only in New York wouldn’t send mailings to homes in Texas, and you shouldn’t pay for advertising on a site your customer base doesn’t visit. Use demographic data to make decisions about ad purchases, event attendance and every other facet of your marketing strategy.

What will its impact be? 

Marketing results contribute to brand reputation as well as sales. While ROI from some advertising efforts can be difficult to quantify, it’s still important to weigh results from similar efforts before beginning a campaign. When you can, collect information on how customers learned about your business to further shape future efforts.

Before you print branded giveaways for an event, take into account their “shelf-life.” Some practical giveaways, like pens and scratch pads, may make their way to the desks of your audience members and remain there for months. Less useful items may just be tossed in the trash, wasting resources and making impressions on no one.

How does it fit into brand messaging? 

Consistency is crucial to developing your brand. Sure, your audience wants fresh material, but it all ought to hold together in tone and style. Give an ad that furthers the character of your brand a green light, but put a stop to anything that just doesn’t fit. Remember your audience.

Whether you’re printing banners or promoting Facebook posts, consider these questions before you buy. Thoughtful advertising choices made as a part of your larger communications strategy, make better investments for your business.

Photo Credit, Akio Nambu, Creative Commons via Flickr