Is Your Mission REALLY ingrained in Your Marketing? Five Questions to Ask.

Your mission penetrates all aspects of your business – from finance to human resources, entry-level to executives – so why wouldn’t it be a part of your marketing plan as well?

Mission-driven marketing puts your mission at the center of everything you do to educate the public, engage your stakeholders and activate supporters, and it plays a major role in helping you deliver a meaningful return on marketing investment. But is your mission is truly ingrained in your marketing? Ask yourself these five questions to find out:

1. Would your target stakeholder choose to work with your organization on the basis of your impact.

If the answer to this is ‘no’ or ‘I’m not sure,’ then its more than likely your marketing is not mission-driven. Your stakeholders should know from the moment they encounter your organization that you are mission-driven. They should be moved and inspired by your content and your message, to the point that they want to be a part of the change you’re working to create. Your newsletters, Facebook posts, website and every other message you put out, should have your mission front and center. Giving the mission a starring role will help you engage stakeholders that want to work with you specifically because they share your passion for the cause you champion.

2. Where can people find out more about the cause you support?

The answer to this question should be ‘everywhere.’ If you are a mission-driven organization then your cause should be tattooed across your forehead. Meaning, on the first page of your website, in your blog posts, throughout your Twitter feed, mentioned first and foremost at your events, anywhere and everywhere. If you want your mission to be ingrained in your marketing, then it needs to be easy for your stakeholders to learn about and engage with it.

3. Do members of the media recognize your company as a thought leader in your cause.

Again, this must be “yes.” This is a no-brainer. If the media doesn’t know you are a leading advocate for your cause, how will your stakeholders?  It is imperative to pitch stories or editorials to the media with your cause in mind. If you keep your impact at the center of your pitch, the story will shine and the public will recognize you as a key voice for the cause you’re engaged in.

4. Do you look to your mission statement while crafting marketing campaigns?

A mission statement is the heartbeat of your organization. When looking at marketing campaigns, you should be using that heartbeat to see if everything is on track. If something in the plan does not align with your overall mission, it’s time to realign.

5. How do you use your social media presence to educate and engage people in your cause?

These days, social media is a huge driving force in the marketing world, and this is especially true for mission-driven organizations. Mission-driven organizations must build communities in which their stakeholders can come together, and social media provides the perfect opportunity. Whenever possible, your social media content should pull your stakeholders into engagement with your cause. You might do this by posting articles related to the social issues you’re involved in, re-posting content and discussions from experts in the field, posing questions for engagement and encouraging your stakeholders to share stories about the role they’re playing in furthering your mission.

Take the time to ask yourself, your coworkers and your marketing team these questions. Really get to the heart of how you are portraying your organization to the public. From there, make necessary changes in order to put your mission at the center of everything you do.

How are you weaving your mission into your marketing?


Photo credit: Glenn Harper, Creative Commons via Flickr