Top Email Tools: News

When we find great tools for keeping on top of our work here at Mosher Mullen Strategies, we like to share them with you. Here are a few of our favorites for staying on top of the news in your field.

Google Alerts

Google Alerts

If you aren’t using Google Alerts, you’re missing out. Set a word or phrase (use quotation marks if you want only exact results) and choose how often you would like to receive alerts: “as-it-happens,” once a day or once a week. At whatever interval you specify, Google Alerts will send you a message containing the new instances of that word or phrase on the web. It’s like a Google search in real time, but done for you and including only new content. This resource can help you monitor the current news in your field, track developing news, and keep tabs on coverage of both your business and your competitors.

If you find the daily results overwhelming, you can also adjust your settings to receive only the best results.


Where Google Alerts returns a wide range of results from all over the web, Smartbrief sends a curated list of 10 to 12 articles each day. From the Smartbrief website, choose a category or categories from options including State & Local Government, Electronics, Marketing and Education. For each category you select, you will receive a bulletin of top news in the field every day. With a one-two sentence summary of each included link, Smartbriefs can be read as a quick dossier for the day, or used to direct further targeted reading.

Daily News Alerts

Sign up for news alerts from local media, and the relevant industry publications of regional and national scope. The exact format of these alerts varies, but most news organizations offer a similar service. Often, you can customize the categories of news you receive and how often you are messaged.

News alerts help you keep a finger on the pulse of local events. Pay attention to the coverage from local reporters and make note of who might be interested in your pitches in the future. All of these email tools deliver stories you can use in your social media engagement, or respond to in blog posts.


Want more useful email tools? Read about options for management and outreach.